Freelance Virtual Assistant since 2018 working from my home in Pembrokeshire with clients in the UK. Specialising in project and operations management/systems and processes/planning and implementation/accounts management/staff training/social media systems set-up and optimisation.
Instagram Hack

Using a free Instagram app to turn your audience into customers

This blog post will explain how using a free instagram app to turn your audience into customers can easily be achieved by using the linkin bio feature provided exclusively by Later, a social media scheduling tool/app combo. Please read on…. …


How to schedule a post to Linkedin for free

Unfortunately you cannot schedule a post from within the Linkedin platform itself (at the time of writing)! In the mean-time, here are 3 third-party platforms with which you CAN schedule posts to Linkedin;

Hubspot – Mktn Hub Pro Acc frm £655 p/m 😳Hootsuite – Pro Acc frm £25 p/m 🙄SlackSocial – FREE 🙏